for me, it was so exciting opportunity.
we'd never talked that much!
although just we'd known each other's faces and never talked before,
we had good conversations^^
i loooooove talking with many people! i can find bland new thoughts i've never had by talking with different people. isn't that great?
i cant deny that there r some people who i cant get along with...
but at least i wanna try several times.
that is not so bad thing at all, i guess!
also, whenever i talk in english, i had better imitate the way to talk of native's.
that's the short cut to be a fast lerner of languages.
cuz i wanna talk like native speakers asap!!:)
so, ill keep working based on this strategy^^
tomorrow is still sunday~!!! i feel like im in heaven right now.. im crazy for weekend!
wanna talk to ya! and i've been worring about ur
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